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July 2022  

 July 2022

  Sat, Jul 23 9:00am - 1:00pm Sing with the Choir - auditions
Auditions for the upcoming 2022-2023 season are open to all interested amateur or professional singers who are 16 years old and above who want to spread the joy of music.
   presented by The Johns Creek Chorale
Johns Creek United Methodist Church
Johns Creek, GA

  Sat, Jul 30 9:00am - 1:00pm Sing with the Choir - auditions
Auditions for the upcoming 2022-2023 season are open to all interested amateur or professional singers who are 16 years old and above who want to spread the joy of music.
   presented by The Johns Creek Chorale
Johns Creek United Methodist Church
Johns Creek, GA
  7:30pm - Jazz in the Park
Enjoy an evening of jazz at Newtown Park. Free.
   presented by Impact Johns Creek
Newtown Park
Johns Creek, GA